How to make Tamagoyaki
I have been wanting to learn how to make this dish for a long time now, mostly inspired by watching Japanese drama on Netflix – Midnight Diner – and seeing how the Master whips up the Rolled Egg Omelette so easily in a square non-stick pan. The recipe of the egg seemed so simple, but the technique of cooking the egg evenly may not be so easy.
So I was at Yishun North Point City the other day for lunch and I saw this Tamagoyaki pan – I think that’s what it is called – and decided that I would end my misery and buy the pan so that I can make this delicious Japanese rolled omelette.
There are quite a few ways to make it, but I was most interested in making the standard one though I wasn’t sure if I were to actually do it myself, if it would look half decent. The only way to find out is to try it. I also recorded it down on video so that I would remember it for a while – my first attempt at making Tamagoyaki.
So you start by beating four eggs into submission, and for seasoning, you can add a little Shao Xing Hua Tiao Jiu, a little Premium Lee Kum Kee Light Soya Sauce and some Pu Ning Fermented Soya Beans. Using a pair of chopsticks, just whip them silly. Quite standard.
That’s basically the ingredient seasoning. The hard part is to actual method which is the frying of the egg omelette using the square pan. Fire must be kept on medium and you actually adjust the heat by moving the pan around so that it doesn’t burn.
Here’s another video I shot to demonstrate that, and you can see that it is not easy at all.
So you have to grease the pan lightly with oil, soaked in a Scotts paper-towel folded into a small square. With a pair of chop-sticks, you glaze the small pan with oil so that the egg mixture doesn’t stick. Then you use your chop-stick to break up the mixture to get it to cook better. And then gently lift the edge of the egg, and as if to peel it backwards.
As you can see I don’t do a very good job at making the Tamagoyaki – haha – oh well, at the end of it, no matter how you swirl or burn or cook it, it will be delicious.
Bon Appetit!