Macadamia White Chocolate Cookies
If there is such a thing as an unsung hero in the battle for best cookie, it would have to be the cookies baked by (or for) Subway the sandwich shop. Subway is known for their simple and standard sandwiches, almost like an assembly line of ingredients put together by expert hands.
They are already doing great just simply putting out the many varieties of sandwich mains options with the standard toppings and dressings, but the additional offerings of the packet of chips or even better the chewy moist Subway Cookie – really takes the whole Subway experience to a whole new level. Now sure if there is a proper review of the cookies, but I love their Macadamia White Chocolate Cookie. The white chocolate is a tad too sweet for me, but the chewy cookie is to live for. I always choose that cookie.
Not sure how they do it, but I have a fair idea of how it could have been baked. Maybe one day I would do it, but for now, I am enjoying it.
Bon Appetit!