Stir Fry Luncheon Meat and Potatoes
I thought I would cook something different tonight, maybe something that I always see at Jo Kwon’s and my go-to dish if there are not many varieties to choose from at the Chap Cai Png Stall (aka 10 dish rice). This is because every Cai Png in Hokkien is also known as Economical Rice with Dishes and every stall that I have visited in the last twenty to thirty years, will also have this dish as one of the staples.
This plain and simple dish is none other than the Stir Fry Luncheon Meat and Potatoes. Traditionally cooked in a mix of thick sticky tomato ketchup sauce and oyster sauce, this dish is a sure win amongst Cai Png worshippers. I think I might have successfully created my own version and carried on the essence of that humble yet flavourful dish.
Nations would go to battle to secure the rights to the origins of this dish, yet it is so freely shared here in our homeland for the benefit of everyone. Whoever created this dish must be genius. Nuff’ said, here’s the recipe.
* please note that I have included amazon affiliate links to the products I use, so check them out if you wish to support me, and if I can get these items from NTUC Supermarket, I would just indicate.
A can of Luncheon Meat (my family loves the Ma Ling Pork Luncheon Meat [NTUC] brand as we have been eating it for years)
9 Baby Potatoes or 4 Large Potatoes (you can use any potato, it doesn’t matter brand or no brand)
Olive Oil
Tomato Ketchup (we only use Maggi Tomato Ketchup Sauce [NTUC] for this, as it has the best taste)
Oyster Sauce (I love Lee Kum Kee Premium Oyster Sauce [NTUC] for the taste)
1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into chunks. Do the same for the luncheon meat and cut into chunks about the same size.
2. Heat about 3 tbsp of oil in wok and fry the potatoes over high heat, constantly stirring so that it doesn’t burn. Then when potato pieces start to brown, you can add the luncheon meat to fry. Continue frying until you can smell the luncheon meat.
3. Add a tbsp of Oyster sauce and about 3 tbsp of Tomato Ketchup and continue to stir fry. Immediately add some water to prevent the sauce from drying up. Continue to fry for about 5-7 minutes over medium heat and once it is ready, serve.
If you like another simple recipe using potatoes, you could check this one out – New Potatoes
Bon Appetit!

Stir fry the potato chunks until some slides are brown.