Sometimes the words from the people closest to you hurts you the most. But you are expected to develop an impervious armour about you and take it like you’re invincible. The words come at you like you’re invisible. That’s the expectation, and you are expected to shoulder the blame, regardless of whether you’re at fault or not. But some arrows strike deep, especially sharp and poisonous arrows.
Words spoken in anger? Perhaps. But were they spoken in fairness? It’s hard to say. Spoken in truth? Spoken in love? The first casualty in any conflict is often the truth. But harsh words are conveniently spoken, and harsh words hurt.
Sometimes we say things to hurt the superheroes in our lives, just because we fall into the belief that they are really superheroes and that they can take the abuse. The right thing to do though, is really to take it in, and pray for a resolution. Take it in and really be that superhero for them. God will surely vindicate these superheroes.
This brings to mind what Pastor said before: Words spoken out of season is no better than a lie.
wow, powerful stuff.
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