Off Track
Off Track
Sometimes I purposely get off the footpath to walk on the grass to get a semblance of walking off the beaten pavement. It’s to help me reframe and rethink my priorities in life and also to feel the earth beneath me. While it is fine for me to walk on solid ground, sometimes the definition of ground can vary quite a bit.
So I would wear my mountain hiking boots and instead of walking on the cement pavement which everyone walks out of convenience. I would opt to walk the undulating grassy knolls of life. Navigating through its contours and hidden potholes created by fantastic beasts and where to find them. I would stare down at the lime green grass and the sometimes deep dark greens of fallen leaves and the browns of broken twigs.
It’s with these brief moments that I take 30 seconds to ponder and reflect on the actions for the moment, and recalibrate my bearings. It is not an exercise for the weak footed traveller. I highly discourage anyone ill-equipped for the journey to venture even the thought.
But if you are ready, and you have your deeply held values girded in your breastplate and you have the requisite weapons to aid your journey, then perhaps you are ready for the warfare ahead. Speak and declare as you stand on different ground. Confident in the victory that has already been won.