Potato and Pork Ribs Soup

Potato and Pork Ribs Soup
After a pretty long hiatus from blogging, and largely due to the fact that I haven’t been cooking as much, I am somewhat starting to cook again, and this is as a request from the Wife, not because she reads my blog or anything but more because we have become more busy and thus the pertinent need to get back to cooking great tasting, simple soups for dinner.
Yes I miss cooking my home feasts too. And maybe she felt it and wanted me to kickstart the nutritious home-cooking again. Admittedly, eating out is so much more convenient. And since our fridge broke down recently, whatever stores we bought would be rotting in the defunct ice box. It didn’t help that the repair man was smoking us (and his company) by making multiple trips down to fix a seemingly simple problem. He kept testing and testing the fridge like as if it was his personal pet project. We were duped week after week into thinking that each week that he came would be the last, and that we could resume our cook-outs for dinner.
Finally, we got another repairman and the problem was solved instantly. But by that time we had already stopped cooking for a while. And I had also gotten busy and stopped going to the wet market on Saturdays. It’s as what one would say a domino effect. I did not do the marketing and therefore did not have the ingredients to cook and therefore we all ate out.
This soup came at her request. A simple no nonsense and fuss free soup. I am still quite curious as to how it would turn out. Just potatoes and pork ribs. Well, we will know soon tonight.
Pork Ribs (250 grams)
Potatoes (about 3 larges ones)
1 tsp Sea Salt
- Parboil the ribs in hot boiling water to get rid of impurities. Pour the water away.
- Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes and then dump them into the pot. Add the sea salt.
- Boil at high heat for 15 minutes, turn off the fire and then place the pot into the thermal cooker (vacuum) and allow it to cook for the next 12 hours while you’re at work.
- When you’re ready to eat, boil again, and you can serve.
Bon Appetit!