Delicious Sea Snails Recipe: A Simple Guide
Sea Snails
It’s not everyday that my favourite fishmonger uncle would bring in Sea Snails, so naturally when I saw these beauties this morning, I decided that I shouldn’t hesitate and bought myself a kilogram of the shells.
Cooking them is also pretty easy. But before that, you have to soak them in water with a teaspoon of sea salt to remove any sand debris that could be stuck in the shells. Maybe after 30 minutes, you can pour them to the pot to boil until it is foamy.
Remove the shells and empty the pot of the water and replace it with a cup or two of white wine. Throw the shells back in and stir fry. Add some sea salt and black pepper. Garnish with chopped parsley. I did a simple video to show how this could be done.
Bon Appetit!