Kimchi Ramen with Tamagoyaki

Kimchi Ramen with Tamagoyaki
It is a marriage of two opposing cultures – Korean & Japanese – when you add Tamagoyaki made traditionally the way Japanese chefs around the world make it, and add it unreservedly to the instant ramen (noodles) albeit Kimchi flavour with toppings of real Kimchi (Bibigo Brand). The verdict is a unanimous – shiok!
This meal is so easy to cook that it’s a no brainer. So I added the Tamagoyaki – Japanese rolled egg omelette into the noodles just to make it a little more complicated. You should check out that video to see how that was done. I did a OTS – One Take Session – on how to prepare Tamagoyaki the Japanese chef way – just to see how easy (or difficult) it is to make it. It was tough.

I used this brand of Kimchi instant noodles for my lunch today, but they also have another taste which is my favourite – Nongshim – very nice with the seasoning. For me I usually add everything in the packet to get the best out of the noodles. Some folks prefer not to add the seasoning, but I think it is perfectly fine.

However, if you add real Kimchi into the instant noodles, it literally comes alive. I bought the Bibigo brand of Kimchi as it had nice packaging – haha! – okay, I will admit it, I am shallow like that, and I was attracted by their packaging. Taste-wise, I think it was okay for my own lunch, although I would have pretty much prefer a sweeter version of it. I had another brand recently that I got from Jason’s Supermarket. Maybe I will go back there to get that brand.

The end result is a delicious bowl of Kimchi Ramen noodles with Tamagoyaki.
Happy can liao.
Bon Appetit!