Unforgettable Moments at Shanghai Zoo
I asked my wife the other day if there was one country that she missed traveling to in 2021, which would it be and surprise surprised she said that it was Shanghai. I had half-expected her to say Paris, but instead she mentioned Shanghai.
And for a moment there I struggled to recall what was the key highlight for us when we went to Shanghai. It was unremarkable to say the least. I recounted the events of our trip there back in 2017 and remembered that we did a lot of sight-seeing, but it wasn’t particularly beautiful or awesome like most other countries that we visited.
The feeling was quite forgettable as they say. I only vividly remember noting to myself that Shanghai had the best zoo experience because it was literally pay per view and you get to inch up close to most of the animals if you were willing to pay for it.
We went to the flamingo enclosure which was really a big patch of grass with flamingoes all standing around and waiting for us to go feed them seeds off the palm of our hands. This would so not happen in Singapore. So it was literally a once-in-a-lifetime experience for us – now that we thought about it, literally once in a lifetime because we are not sure when will we ever go to Shanghai ever again.